National Youth Council of North Macedonia – the NYCM is a representative body for youth organizations in Macedonia. NYCM unites 51 organizations, 17 youth organizations, 20 organizations for youth, 1 union, 7 youth wings of other organizations and 6 associate members, in order to promote and advocate for the rights of the Macedonian youth.
Mladimk – is a platform for youth information, created in 2016 by the National Youth Council of Macedonia (NYCM) in order to bring all important information and opportunities for young people closest to them. provides a space for communication directly between organizations, institutions and young people, to promote various opportunities and disseminate relevant information.
MladiHUB– The project “MladiHub-Digital Youth” is funded by the British Embassy in Skopje and implemented by the National Youth council of Macedonia and the Chamber of Commerce and Information technology – MASIT in attempt to improve the digital skills of young people, their level of engagement in society and increasing their employability.
The CareerHub platform was created within the MladiHub project to connect talented young professionals who have digital skills with the employers in need of full-time or part-time staff, interns or volunteers. On this platform there are more than 400 registered companies who offer job opportunities. Every young person can log in, type the key word and look for a job opportunity.
CEED Hub Skopje – acts as a central root of a fast-moving community and actively boosts and inspire idea generation, creation, innovation and cooperation for startups and business in favor of promoting their rapid growth and accelerate the progress through education, creative solutions & valuable resources