The demand for professionals with secondary and higher education varies across sectors of the economy. Notably, specialists with higher education are sought after 2.3 times more frequently in the sectors of government, education, and healthcare. In the production sectors, and those with predominantly manual labor such as construction and agriculture, there is a predominant demand for specialists with secondary education. In the service sectors, including trade, transportation, hospitality, and restaurants, the need for specialists with secondary education is twice as high as those with higher education.
Compared to a year ago, there is an increase of 6.2% in the overall demand for the workforce, primarily due to the increased need for unskilled and semi-skilled workers following the relaxation of COVID-19 pandemic restrictions. In 16 out of the regions, there is an increase in demand compared to the survey results.
The predominant professions in demand are related to the processing industry, such as seamstresses, textile machinery operators, welders, and machine technicians. Employers in many areas will also require operational accountants, cashiers, builders, and professions typical for the hospitality and restaurant sector, such as servers, bartenders, and cooks. When inquiring about specialists with higher education or professions requiring legal qualifications, most employers have expressed their need in large industrial areas.
Similar to previous surveys, employers face difficulties in finding personnel, particularly for sales consultants, seamstresses, and wood processing machine operators. On a regional level, the greatest difficulties in finding the necessary workers are reported in the Yambol region, where 100% of employers report challenges in finding personnel. It is followed by the Kyustendil region with 88.6% and Ruse with 87.7%. Employers find it easiest to find the needed personnel in the Kardzhali region.
Among the qualified specialists, the most sought after are seamstresses, machine operators, builders, cooks, wood processing operators, servers, bartenders, welders, operational accountants, and workers in the food industry.
Specialists who have graduated in the following fields are in high demand: Pedagogy, Medicine, Economics, Computer Science and Computer Sciences, Electrical Engineering, Electronics, and Automation, Mechanical Engineering, Administration and Management, and Communication and Computer Technology.
The most sought-after specialists with secondary education are typically in the fields of Wholesale and Retail Trade, Construction, Mechanical Engineering, Metalworking, and Metallurgy, and Accounting and Taxation.
The primary form of employment is through permanent contracts and full-time positions. Remote work and work from home options are offered by fewer than 700 employers.